This package in version 2.0 has been renamed and its development is now continued as react-form-component.

Create React forms just with a pure JSX and let the react-standalone-form manage its state for you. A themeable form library based on Context API with a selection of user friendly inputs and wide customization abilities to match your design and functionality.


yarn add react-standalone-form



See working example

Quick start example

  1. Wrap entitre app into <FormThemeProvider>. Optionally define a custom theme in theme prop.
  2. Use <Form> component anywhere in the app, declare all fields in a fields prop array.
  3. Use any from built-in input widgets or build custom inputs to compose a form. Give each input a name prop that corresponds with a name defined in a fields array of the ancestor <Form> component.
  4. Use <FormButton> to trigger a submit function that returns all field values formatted in a form of a simple javascript object.
// App.js
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import Form, {
} from 'react-standalone-form'

// Wrap entitre app into FormThemeProvider.
const App = () =>
    <div className='my-app'>
      <BasicFormExample />

// Build a fully operational form.
const BasicFormExample = () =>
  <Form fields={['name', 'email', 'type']}>
      label='User name'
      label='Type of a user'
      options={['Viewer', 'Moderator', 'Admin']}
      onClick={fields => console.log(fields)}

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app'))


  • Built in form state management
  • Wide range of UI form components
  • Built in, customizable form validation system
  • Customizable theme and notification labels
  • Marking fields as required
  • Loading state support for asynchronous operations
  • Submit action triggered by a submit button or on each change with debounce
  • Optional reseting of all fields after a successful submit (show docs)
  • Data collected from forms is formatted well for API calls
  • Nested forms (possibility to put a form as a multiple fieldset of anorher form)
  • Built in, repleacable react-toastify notification plugin
  • Cross browser tested
  • SSR support
  • Easy way of creating custom inputs
