
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Steps to run this project on developer mode:

  1. Run npm i command
  2. Run npm run start:db command
  3. Run npm start command

Steps to run this project on production mode:

  1. Run npm run build command

Technology stack

  1. Typescript 4.7.4
  2. Express JS 4.17.2
  3. Docker 20.10.16
  4. MySQL 5.7.10

Endpoint /users => get all users, edit user status /transactions => get all requests, edit requests, create request /auth => login, register, logout /history => get all history of requests and or transfers /transfer => request transfer

Design patern

  1. Singleton => Entity Admin in src/Model/Admin.ts
  2. Facade => In src/index.ts App breaks down into several part.