
Dataset introduced in the paper "Zero-Shot Open Information Extraction using Question Generation and Reading Comprehension"

Primary LanguagePython

EDGAR10-Q Dataset PWC

This dataset is built from 10-Q/K documents (Quarterly and Yearly Reports) of publicly listed companies on the SEC. To access these documents, follow this link. Please see sample.csv to find the instance of a document of the dataset. To get CIK of an organization, use the CIK_lookup in contents folder.


The dataset is available via this link

Building Dataset

Using the script dataset_generation_and_baseline.py will pull the the data from sec website and store it in content folder. cik_lookup.xlsx has the list of 2000 organizations whose data was pulled. The script will also run the baseline approach and store all the results in each organizations' excel respectively.

GPT-3 response generation

Once the dataset is created and baseline appraoch is executed and the excel is complete, use the script gpt3_response_generation.py for getting the reuslts from GPT-3. Please use your own API key for its execution.

Some Statistics about the corpus are given below :

Table 1 : Basic Statistics of the dataset

Statistics about the corpus Numbers
Total # of Documents in Corpus 18752
Number of Sentences 1009712
Total Words in corpus 77400425
Total Entities 2780969
Total Labels 4032405

Table 2 : Sentence Wise Statistics of the dataset

Sentences with # of Entities # of Sentences Average Word Length of the Sentence
1 Entity 503433 31.70
2 Entity 331130 36.30
3 Entity 108103 42.40
4 Entity 47191 52.80
5 Entities and above 19855 73.90

Table 3 : Statistics of the entities in the dataset

Entity Types Counts
Floating Values (Monetary & percent) 2143054
number of assests (Shares & Integers) 425850
Ordinal Values 16891
Dates 195174

Table 4 : Instance of the Dataset.

Paragraph value entity type Labels for each entity
As of August 5, 2019, there were 46,662,179 shares of common stock, $0.01 par value, outstanding. 4,66,62,179 CARDINAL Shares Outstanding, Entity Common Stock
The Company also derecognized existing deferred rent liabilities of $15,302. 15,302 MONEY Rent Expense, Operating Leases
The intangible assets acquired have a weighted average useful life of approximately nine years. nine years DATE Intangible assets, Weighted Average Useful Life, Acquired Finite lived
The initial purchase price of $31,676 included $30,176 cash consideration paid upon acquisition, funded primarily through borrowings under the Senior 31,676 MONEY Initial purchase price, Business Combination, Consideration Transferred
Credit Facility, and a contingent earn out payment of up to $25,000 with an estimated fair value of $1,500 as of the acquisition date. 30,176 MONEY Cash consideration, Payments to Acquire Businesses