
Automated Prayer Reminders via Telegram: A user-friendly prayer reminder bot for Muslims (@PrayPalBot) that utilizes Telegram and the Muslim Salah API. Schedule reminders based on your location and preferences.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Prayer Reminder Bot (@PrayPalBot)

This repository contains the code for a prayer reminder bot named @PrayPalBot that interacts with users via Telegram and utilizes the Muslim Salah API for prayer time data. User settings are stored in an SQLite database.


  • Schedules prayer reminders based on user location and lead time preferences (handled in reminders.py).
  • Fetches prayer times and handles timezones (in prayers.py).
  • Manages user interactions through Telegram commands (implemented in command_handler.py).
    • Guides users through setup process (/start)
    • Allows users to view current settings (/showsettings)
    • Provides today's prayer times for the user's location (/todayprayertimes)
    • Shows the next upcoming prayer time reminder (/nextsalat)
  • Offers optional email notifications for errors (requires configuration in send_email.py and credentials.py).
  • Utilizes background tasks (apscheduler) to automatically update reminders daily at midnight (UTC).
  • Logs errors and scheduler activity.

Project Structure:

  1. main.py: The main script responsible for coordinating all functionalities.
  2. command_handler.py: Handles user interactions through Telegram commands.
  3. database_handler.py: Manages user settings in an SQLite database.
  4. prayers.py: Fetches prayer times and timezone information from an external API.
  5. reminders.py: Handles scheduling and sending prayer reminders to users.
  6. send_email.py: Provides a function to send emails using Gmail's SMTP server.
  7. utils.py: Contains utility functions and configurations for the bot, including logging and caching.
  8. config.py: Defines configuration settings like database name and log file path.
  9. credentials.py: Stores sensitive information like API keys and email credentials.
  10. run.sh: A shell script to manage the bot process (ensures only one instance runs).


  • python-telegram-bot==13.7.0 (for Telegram bot interaction)
  • apscheduler (for job scheduling)
  • cachetools (for caching functionality)
  • requests (for making API requests)
  • sqlite3 (for database access)
  • pytz (for timezone handling)

Getting Started:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/firmanelhakim/praypalbot.git
  2. Install required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create an empty file named praypalbot.db in the project directory. The bot uses this SQLite database to store user settings.
  4. Configure settings (API keys, database name, email settings - modify credentials.py and config.py accordingly)
  5. Run the bot: ./run.sh (assuming run.sh has execute permissions) OR simply run with python3 main.py

Security Considerations:

  • DO NOT commit credentials.py to version control. Use environment variables or a secure configuration file for sensitive information.
  • Consider using app passwords for programmatic access to email instead of storing actual passwords.

How to Contribute

We welcome contributions to this project! Here are some ways you can help:

  • Report issues: If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions for improvement, please create an issue on this repository.
  • Fix bugs: If you're comfortable with the codebase, feel free to submit a pull request with your fix.
  • Propose new features: If you have ideas for new functionality, open an issue to discuss it and potentially submit a pull request.

Making a Pull Request

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request from your forked repository to the upstream repository.

We appreciate any contributions you can make!


This project is licensed under the MIT License: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. This license allows for free use, modification, and distribution of the code, with attribution to the original author.

Additional Notes:

  • Feel free to contact the project maintainers if you have any questions or need assistance.