- 5
no libraries available or listed for c and c++
#132 opened by cjdg - 0
MIDI_DATA_FORMAT in link expired
#147 opened by dovezan - 9
Linux Kernel Drivers
#141 opened by TCB13 - 16
Is it possible to control multiple stepper motors using pymata or any python libraries ? pls give some example
#116 opened by panchalmanish2208 - 0
SYSTEM_VARIABLES Message proposal
#144 opened by pgrawehr - 15
Enable reporting of individual pins
#68 opened by soundanalogous - 3
Is this project active?
#142 opened - 5
High Resolution PWM control
#140 opened by zxia545 - 0
- 2
Found 2 Windows Firmata client libraries
#137 opened by human890209 - 2
Extend documentation
#115 opened by PizzaProgram - 8
Report initial input pin value
#134 opened by nandlab - 0
Missing licenses
#129 opened by pgrawehr - 1
- 1
[ANN] Alternative Firmata protocol explanation
#124 opened by martin-eden - 1
Obsolete Client Libraries should be marked as such
#123 opened by jeffkarney - 1
- 2
Potential New Firmata Logo
#118 opened by DaAwesomeP - 5
- 3
- 19
- 6
[question] Sysex ids
#111 opened by martin-eden - 0
Communication problem
#109 opened by wojtulab - 4
Introduction to community and query regarding any efforts/interest in CAN as transport
#108 opened by rjrodd - 15
Serial 2.0
#70 opened by soundanalogous - 16
Individual Pins Reporting Interval
#103 opened by mdlima - 5
Firmata sending the state fof all inputs when just one input is triggered.
#102 opened by jupiter8888 - 6
Single-Read Functionality
#92 opened by Molorius - 0
- 2
Firmata Host implementation for Linux
#94 opened by dimitry-ishenko - 25
The analog conundrum
#75 opened by zfields - 9
- 4
Changes in stepper2
#87 opened by dtex - 0
I2C protocol should show usage example or explicitly state I2C config message is mandatory.
#93 opened by zfields - 2
common optional SYSEX commands
#89 opened by monteslu - 3
- 6
- 2
[v3.0.0] SYSTEM_RESET should ACK
#85 opened by zfields - 3
#82 opened by zfields - 4
- 4
Max speed/accel/decel value for stepper
#77 opened by troywweber7 - 2
I2C read request doesn't contemplate registers
#69 opened by bromagosa - 7
- 2
- 2
How to introduce the protocol to China
#63 opened by nisen - 8
Half Duplex Serial
#61 opened by dtex - 0
define an error reporting scheme
#54 opened by soundanalogous - 0
pulse sequence
#67 opened by soundanalogous - 0
document string message
#57 opened by soundanalogous - 2
Servo mode sent values
#55 opened by OlivieriIan