Hi there. This repo has a few tutorial videos that will you get up and running quickly

  1. https://youtu.be/_9MbgyUvDGs - This will walk you through how to set up the project without Docker

Local Development Setup

  1. Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:bobby-didcoding/did_django_schedule_jobs_v2.git
  2. Create your .env file from the template file cp .env.template backend/.env

Install Redis for Celery

  1. Install 'Ubuntu' and set up Redis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nFwPTHOMIY)
  2. Download Ubunto from windows store and launch app
  3. create a username (must be an email) & password
  4. Now create redis repository sudo apt-add-repository ppa:redislabs/redis
  5. Now update and upgrade packages sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade
  6. Now install Redis sudo apt-get install redis-server


  1. Create a .env file from the .env.template and fill-in the environment variables specific to your setup (eg. DB name, user and password) - Save this into /backend
  2. Set up a virtual environment cd backend && python -m venv env
  3. Activate virtual environment cd env/scripts && activate && cd ../..
  4. Install dependencies for your local environment by running pip install -r requirements/Local.txt
  5. Run python manage.py migrate

Fire up servers

  1. Open Ubuntu terminal and fire up a Redis server redis-server
  2. Open another Ubuntu and set up a Redis CLI redis-cli
  3. Open new cmd in root and use this command celery -A did_django_schedule_jobs_v2.celery beat -l INFOto fire up celery beat
  4. Open new cmd in root and use this command celery -A did_django_schedule_jobs_v2.celery worker --pool=solo -l info to fire up a celery worker
  5. Run python manage.py runserver

Local Development Setup with Docker

  1. Clone from docker branch git clone --branch docker git@github.com:bobby-didcoding/did_django_schedule_jobs_v2.git
  2. Create an env file cp .env.template .env
  3. Update the DONOT_REPLY_EMAIL and GOOGLE_APP_PASSOWRD variables in the new .env file
  4. cd backend && mkdir logs && cd logs && echo This is our celery log > celery.log && cd ../..
  5. Install Docker & Docker compose
  6. Compose a docker image docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build

Note: You may get an issue if your github config is not set up for LF. Add these settings to config

  1. git config --global core.autocrlf input
  2. git config --global core.eol lf

Production Setup with Docker

  1. Follow tutorial at https://didcoding.com/tutorial/production-ready-dockerized-django-application/