Echidna RESTful API: Dependencies: - Mojolicious - AnyEvent - EV - Morbo Server (Mojolicious Non-blocking server) * AnyEvent - EV - AnyEvent::DBI # TESTING # move to the root of the source # add the nodes you wish to monitor to echidna.yml # 3 default nodes with UUID's are pre-defined for testing. # START SERVER (NODE - CONNECTOR) # start echidnad PERL5LIB=./lib ./echidnad --config=./etc/echidna.yml # START AGENTS (NODE - COLLECTOR) # start cxtrackerd PERL5LIB=./lib ./cxtrackerd --config=./etc/cxtrackerd.yml # start barnyard2d PERL5LIB=./lib ./barnyard2d --config=./etc/barnyard2d.yml # start passivednsd PERL5LIB=./lib ./passivednsd --config=./etc/passivednsd.yml