
Simple and powerful standalone project for clang-based tools using libtooling (e.g. refactoring, auto-completion, etc.)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


clang-tool is a simple and powerful project template for clang-based tools using libtooling[1]. It helps getting started to write standalone tools useful for refactoring, static code analysis, auto-completion etc.


Install the necessary llvm and clang headers and libraries for you system an run:

git clone https://github.com/firolino/clang-tool
cd clang-tool
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


A simple example is included in src/transformers/functioncalltransformer.cc that rewriters all function calls from functionName() to fn_functionName().

bin/clang-tool ../examples/simple.cc -- -std=c++11

Another example can be found in finder/integervariablefinder.cc. Uncomment the intFinder in consumer.cc to print all integer variables.

FunctionCallTransformer fntransformer(context, rewriter);

IntegerVariableFinder intFinder(context);

You can even specifiy more than one source file when calling clang-tool.

bin/clang-tool s1.cc s2.cc -- -std=c++11

More matchers for writing own finders and transformers are available under [2].

Specifiying compiler arguments

There are multiple ways to provide your projects' compiler arguments to a clang tool:

  • Direct

    As can be seen in the example above, compiler arguments can be placed directly after --.

  • Compilation Database

    If your project is CMake-based use -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON in your cmake call. It will generate a compile_commands.json in your build directory containing your compiler arguments etc. With the json file you don't need to provide -- anymore. clang-tool will automatically use your json file.

  • Makefiles

    If you have an ordinary Makefile based project, use rizsottos awesome tool from https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear and run bear make on a cleanded project directory. It will generate a compile_commands.json for you!


Inlude PPCallbacks


[1] http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibTooling.html

[2] http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibASTMatchersReference.html