Belt Exam For a red belt: Login and Registration with validations Validation errors should appear on the page Logout feature Password should be at least 8 characters Dashboard Display the logged user's created and joined travel plans in the Trip Schedules table Display the other users' travel plans Display should be specific per user Able to join other users' travel plans Cancel link removes a trip from the user's Trip Schedules table Delete link appears if the logged user added the trip Delete link removes the trip from the database Details page Display a particular travel plan Includes a list of users who joined the plan Create new travel plans Able to add new travel plans Validation applies Validation errors should appear on the page The newly added travel plan should appear on the logged user's Trip Schedules table HTML and CSS reflect the wireframe to at least 75% accuracy For a black belt: You must be able to deploy your work to Amazon EC2 and provide the IP address or subdomain/domain name to where your work has been deployed Please note that Heroku deployment is not honored Once the logged user joins a trip, the travel plan should move to the user's Trip Schedules table The travel plan should also be removed from the other users' trips table Cancel link removes the trip from the logged user's Trip Schedules table and back onto the other users' trips table Details page list of people who joined the trip does not include the user who planned the trip Also: Remove your github repo after deploying. The wireframe is available for download here. Don’t worry about: What the prompts are asking for. Just ask if you are unsure about what the goals are!
Travel Buddy Application - Python , Django , JS,HTML,CSS,JQUERY