
A quiz app built on React Native, filled with showing of the framework's capabilities

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A quiz app built on React Native, filled with showing of the framework's capabilities


Your challenge is to create a 10 question, true or false, trivia app with React Native.

The application code will be reviewed and scored on these key areas with many subset areas for each:

Code Format
Project Structure
Use of industry best practices


Use the Expo CLI to create a managed Expo App.

The api url is: https://opentdb.com/api.php?amount=10&difficulty=hard&type=boolean

Best Practices We Will Check For:

Code Style Practices

Uses async-await or promises for async error handling

Use only built-in error object

Always await promises

Handling of API Errors Follow clear naming convention

Handle navigation and routing properly Follow the principles of thinking in React

Other JavaScript best practices

Separation of concerns between UI, Server Data, Business Logic

Declarative style of programming - for inspiration, check here

UI Responsiveness & User Experience: See entire Design section in the docs

Platforms tested

✅ Android (simulator + real device)

❌ iOS (partial test only)


Install deps with Yarn (or npm)
Run app with npx expo start