
A simple HTTP notification app that publishes data to consumers via a messaging queue (RabbitMQ)

Primary LanguagePHP

About Publisher


Clone application

  • Clone from GitHub

Install Docker and Configure Bash

  • Install Docker (for Linux) or Docker Desktop for another OS
  • cd into application directory and run vendor/bin/sails up to start application. You may want to configure a bash alias so that you may execute Sail commands by simply typing sail instead of the long vendor/bin/sails up command.
  • To configure a bash alias for Sail, cd into application directory and run alias sail='[ -f sail ] && bash sail || bash vendor/bin/sail' for as long as the terminal lasts. Henceforth, you'll be able to start the application using sail up.
  • Once the application's Docker containers have been started, you can access the application in your web browser at: http://localhost

Edit Environment Variables

  • Edit .env: get your INET address and use it as the value of DB_HOST. You can use hostname -I | awk '{print $1}' to get an INET address on Linux machines

Run setup.sh script

  • Run the command . setup.sh to set up RabbitMQ queues and other configurations

Running the application

Use an API testing tool such as Postman to make a POST request to http://localhost/api/publish/topic1. Ensure that you pass the JSON data below as request body:

    "msg": "you can enter any string e.g. hello"

The message will be published to messaging queue and transmitted to the concerned services.

