A NetDisk(Dropbox, Baidu-NetDisk)-like file manager that let you manage your data anywhere it is located: SFTP. There are a lot of tools, such as Seafile, eyebluecn, and so on, first of all they are great, suitable for complex scenarios, deployment needs additional databases. Why not just use the SFTP protocol? SftpBox
is such a simple tool, deployed directly, a Linux file system itself is storage, no need for anything else.
- Manage your files from a browser
- Shared links
- User friendly
- Upload and download files
- List, move, rename and remove files
This program is a simple WEB SFTP client. It can be deployed simply and easily. It was developed by python3 (backend) and VUE(frontend).
Download zip package
Unzip and run
double click
Open URL by browser
If non-localhost access is required, the
in theconfig.json
profiles needs to be modified to the server's real IP address.
Install Docker
yum update -y yum upgrade yum install docker -y systemctl enable docker systemctl start docker
Pull docker image,and run
docker pull linzhanggeorge/firstboot-sftpbox:latest docker run -d --name fbsftpbox --privileged=true -p 18000:8000 linzhanggeorge/firstboot-sftpbox:latest /bin/sh -c "echo 'hello' && exec /sftpbox/sftpbox/startup.sh '<your host ip>:18000'"
Open URL by browser
http://<your host ip>:18000
Install Python3
yum update -y yum upgrade # install depency yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' -y yum install zlib-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel -y yum install libffi-devel wget -y yum -y install zlib-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel tk-devel libffi-devel wget gcc make -y # make python3 cd /home wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.3/Python-3.8.3.tgz tar -xvf Python-3.8.3.tgz cd Python-3.8.3 mkdir -p /opt/python3 ./configure --prefix=/opt/python3 --enable-optimizations --with-ssl make make install # backup pure python3 cd /opt tar -cvf python3.tar python3 # build link ln -s /opt/python3/bin/python3.8 /usr/bin/python3 ln -s /opt/python3/bin/pip3.8 /usr/bin/pip3
Get source code
# download code git clone https://github.com/firstboot/sftpbox.git cd sftpbox/sftpbox
Modify config file
# vi config.json { "origins": [ "http://localhost:8000", "" ], "tmp_path": "./dtmp/", "upload_tmp_path": "./utmp/", "share_path": "./share/", "port": "8000" } # modify to your host ip { "origins": [ "http://localhost:8000", "http://<your host ip>:8000" ], "tmp_path": "./dtmp/", "upload_tmp_path": "./utmp/", "share_path": "./share/", "port": "8000" } # vi static/static/project.config.json { "debugMode": true, "baseUrl": "http://localhost:8000", "nav": { "initTab": { "editableTabsValue": "panelAllFiles", "editableTabs": [{"title": "panel.panelAllFiles.label", "name": "panelAllFiles", "content": "test"}] }, "navMenus": [ { "icon": "fa fa-files-o", "title": "panel.panelAllFiles.label", "name": "panelAllFiles", "type": "menu" }, { "icon": "fa fa-share-alt", "title": "panel.panelShareFiles.label", "name": "panelShareFiles", "type": "menu" }, { "icon": "fa fa-share-square-o", "title": "panel.panelHistory.label", "name": "panelHistory", "type": "menu" }, { "icon": "fa fa-info-circle", "title": "panel.panelSysInfo.label", "name": "panelSysInfo", "type": "menu" } ] } } # modify to your host ip { "debugMode": true, "baseUrl": "http://<your host ip>:8000", "nav": { "initTab": { "editableTabsValue": "panelAllFiles", "editableTabs": [{"title": "panel.panelAllFiles.label", "name": "panelAllFiles", "content": "test"}] }, "navMenus": [ { "icon": "fa fa-files-o", "title": "panel.panelAllFiles.label", "name": "panelAllFiles", "type": "menu" }, { "icon": "fa fa-share-alt", "title": "panel.panelShareFiles.label", "name": "panelShareFiles", "type": "menu" }, { "icon": "fa fa-share-square-o", "title": "panel.panelHistory.label", "name": "panelHistory", "type": "menu" }, { "icon": "fa fa-info-circle", "title": "panel.panelSysInfo.label", "name": "panelSysInfo", "type": "menu" } ] } }
Install python lib and running
# install lib pip3 install -r requirements.txt # run python3 main.py
Open URL by browser
http://<your host ip>:8000