Create, operate and scale your immersive experience.
Local Setup
Install prerequisites
# Install basics with homebrew
brew install node awscli
# Set up n
npm install -g n
n 12.16.2
Set up environment
# Set up pre-commit hook
cp ./.git/hooks/pre-commit
# Create a local env
mkdir -p secrets
cp example.env local.env
# Build docker container; rebuild if you add new modules
docker build . -t fpt:latest
# Install node dependencies
npm run install_all
Run locally!
# Run backend
docker-compose up -d
# Run migrations if needed
npm run migrate
# Run tests
npm test# Run tests showing all log output
SHOW_TEST_LOGS=1 npm test# Watch all local apps in parallel to rebuild on changes
npm run watch
open http://localhost:5001
# Watch docker logs
docker-compose logs -f
# Run migrations
docker-compose exec server sequelize db:migrate
# Create a new migration
docker-compose exec server sequelize migration:generate --name add-some-fields
# Run script migrations
docker-compose run server npm run scripts:migrate
Random tips
# If the docker clock gets out of sync:
docker run --rm --privileged alpine hwclock -s
# Clear contaniers
docker kill$(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -q) --force
docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs docker volume rm
# Clean non-tracked cruft
git clean -xdf
# Fix bcrypt
docker-compose exec server npm rebuild bcrypt --build-from-source
Build for production
Building locally for production
npm run build
open "http://localhost:5001/travel"
Test local environment from a device
# run local tunnel
ngrok http --subdomain=fpt 5001
Getting a nice console
# Node server
docker-compose exec server node --experimental-repl-await
# MySQL console
docker-compose exec mysql mysql galaxy -ugalaxy -pgalaxypassword