
Creates a reverse proxy for containers in less than 12 parsecs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Millennium Falcon

This repository is unmaintained. Use at your own risk!

This container listens on the Docker socket and configures an HAProxy based on labels attached to the containers.

Supports HTTP(S) and TCP

Run like so

docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --net=host fischerman/millennium-falcon

Start a backend container like so:

docker run -p 80 -l "de.bfischerman.proxy-url=example.com" -l "de.bfischerman.proxy-port=80" nginx

Environment variables

  • HTTP_PORT: The HTTP port HAProxy binds to. Set to disable to not use HTTP backend. Default is 80.
  • HTTPS_PORT: The HTTPS port HAProxy binds to. Set to disable to not use HTTPS backend. Default is 443.
  • STATS_USER: The stats username. Default is admin.
  • STATS_PASS: The password for the stats page. If not set, stats are disabled.


  • /certs/: Certificate with the name combined.pem is used for HTTPS backend. If not mounted, a self-gen cert is used.

Container Labels

  • de.bfischerman.proxy-mode: tcp or http

tcp Mode

  • de.bfischerman.proxy-source: The port HAProxy binds to
  • de.bfischerman.proxy-target: The private port of the container. It will be translated to the public port.

http Mode

  • de.bfischerman.proxy-url: Domain + Path, e.g. example.com/service. Used by HAProxy to generate use_backend-statements. The domain as well as the path must match. Required. Only domain OR path is required.
  • de.bfischerman.proxy-protocol: Can be http, https or both. Default is http. Optional
  • de.bfischerman.proxy-redirect-http: Redirect http traffic to https. Can be true or false. Default is false. Optional.
  • de.bfischerman.proxy-port: The private port to redirect to
  • de.bfischerman.proxy-options: TBA
  • de.bfischerman.proxy-letsencrypt: TBA