
This project utilizes Python visualizations packages, such as Plotly Express, HVPlot and PyPlot/Matplotlib to create an interactive dashboard exploring the San Francisco real estate housing market. Uses MapBox API.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Visualizations with Python

This project utilizes Python visualizations packages, such as Plotly Express, HVPlot and PyPlot/Matplotlib to create an interactive dashboard exploring the 2010-2016 San Francisco housing market. Uses MapBox API to grab data and create visualizations. san_fran

Visualizations of San Francisco Real Estate Housing Market:

Average Housing Units/Year


Average Price/Neighborhood (with Interactive Dropdown Selector for Neighborhood)

First, group by year and neighborhood and then create a new dataframe of the mean values:

mean_values = sfo_data.groupby([sfo_data.index, "neighborhood"]).mean()

Then use HVPlot to create an interactive line chart of the Average Price/Sq. Foot, with a dropdown selector for the neighborhood:

mean_values.hvplot.line(x="year", y="sale_price_sqr_foot", xlabel= "Year", ylabel="Average Price/Square Foot", groupby="neighborhood")

The above code results in the following interactive line chart: av_price_per_neighborhood

Top 10 Most Expensive Neighborhoods


Parallel Coordinates Plot to Interactively Filter and Explore Various Factors Related to Sales Price

# Parallel Coordinates Plot
px.parallel_coordinates(ten_most_expensive_df, color="sale_price_sqr_foot", color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Inferno, title='Average House Value/Neighborhood', labels={'neighborhood': "Neighborhood", 'sale_price_sqr_foot':'Sales Price/Square Foot', 'housing_units':'Housing Units', 'gross_rent':'Gross Rent'})

The above code results in the following interactive parallel coordinates plot: parallel_cats

Parallel Categories Plot to Interactively Filter and Explore Various Factors Related to Sales Price

# Parallel Categories Plot
px.parallel_categories(ten_most_expensive_df, color="sale_price_sqr_foot", color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Inferno, title='Average House Value/Neighborhood', labels={'neighborhood': "Neighborhood", 'sale_price_sqr_foot':'Sales Price/Square Foot', 'housing_units':'Housing Units', 'gross_rent':'Gross Rent'})

The above code results in the following interactive parallel coordinates plot: parallel_two

Average Value/Neighborhood utilizing MapBox API

First, calculate the mean values for each neighborhood:

mean_neighborhoods = sfo_data.groupby("neighborhood").mean()
mean_neighborhoods = mean_neighborhoods.reset_index()

Then join average values with the neighborhood locations (Lat/Long loaded in with MapBox API):

values_and_locations_df = pd.concat([df_neighborhood_locations, mean_neighborhoods['sale_price_sqr_foot'], mean_neighborhoods['housing_units'], mean_neighborhoods['gross_rent']], axis=1).dropna()

Lastly, create a scatter plot through mapbox to analyze neighborhood info:

map_plot = px.scatter_mapbox(values_and_locations_df, lat="Lat", lon="Lon", size="sale_price_sqr_foot", color="gross_rent", color_continuous_scale=px.colors.cyclical.IceFire, size_max=15, zoom=3, width=1000, hover_name="Neighborhood", title="Average Price/Square Foot and Gross Rent in San Francisco")

The above code results in the following interactive MapBox visualization: mapbox