Bash script that create new QR codes images from android google authenticator app
It needs the following software to be installed and in your $PATH sqlite3, adb , qrencode and optionally xdg-open
Your phone needs to be rooted, and you need to enable USB debugging
The script is only tried on ubuntu 1504
The script uses mktemp -d in /var/run/lock if tmpfs is mounted there.
It will download the sqlite DB from your phone to the temp dir and create png files in the temp dir with a qr code that can be scanned in. The db contains the secret, thats why it only wants to write to tmpfs, although encrypted drive would be safe as well.
if the script is aborted, completed or fails the rm -rfi will run on the tmpdir
Since adb root command did not work on my latest build i had to copy the db to /sdcard chmod and then delete