I like Hammertime a lot, but NFTs are bullshit. I'll rename aspects to avoid conflicting too much with the original.
This project is not affiliated with Discord in any way shape or form.
Application logo based on Hammer by John Caserta, from The Noun Project licensed under CC BY 3.0 Unported
New language contributions are welcome! They are handled through Crowdin. If you don't see your language listed, contact me on Discord with the DiscordTag that's currently shown on my personal website and ask me to add it to the project.
English and Hungarian translations have been included, so no translators will be needed for these two languages.
- French: Cookie Kiro (Cookikui)
- Russian: Luna (NightyCloud)
- German: Fabian9799
- Arabic: Raphael Santiago (raphael.santiago.53)
- Brazilian Portuguese: LeonardoC06
- Dutch: Jesse (Jessuh)
- Polish: Dawid (MinerPL)
- Malay: Nurul Azeera Hidayah @ Muhammad Nur Hidayat Yasuyoshi (MNH48.moe) (mnh48)
- Spanish: Pablo Luna (shaulyareaj)