
Parse and output TODOs and FIXMEs from comments in your files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Parse and output TODOs and FIXMEs from comments in your files

NPM Version NPM Downloads Build Status

Easily extract, collect and report TODOs and FIXMEs in your code. This project uses regex in order to extract your todos from comments.

Basic output example of leasot

Comment format

TODO: add some info

  • Spaces are optional
  • Colon is optional
  • Must be in a comment (line or block) in its' own line (some code(); //TOOD: do something is not supported)
  • Spaces are trimmed from comment text
  • Supported types are TODO and FIXME - case insensitive

Supported languages:

Filetype Extension Notes
Coffee-React .cjsx using regex. Supports # comments.
Coffeescript .coffee using regex. Supports # comments.
Handlebars .hbs using regex. Supports {{! }} and {{!-- --}}
Jade .jade using regex.
Javascript .js using regex. Supports // and /* */ comments
Jsx .jsx using regex. Supports // and /* */ comments.
Less .less using regex. Supports // and /* */ comments.
Ruby .rb using regex. Supports # comments.
Sass .sass .scss using regex. Supports // and /* */ comments.
Stylus .styl using regex. Supports // and /* */ comments.
Twig .twig using regex. Supports {# #} and <!-- -->
Typescript .ts using regex. Supports // and /* */ comments.
C++/C .cpp .c .h using regex. Supports // and /* */ comments.
Go .go using regex. Supports // and /* */ comments.

Javascript is the default parser.

PRs for additional filetypes is most welcomed!!


Command Line


$ npm install --global leasot


❯ leasot --help

  Usage: leasot [options] <file ...>

  Parse and output TODOs and FIXMEs from comments in your files


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    -V, --version              output the version number
    -t, --filetype [filetype]  Force the filetype to parse. Useful for streams (Default: .js)
    -r, --reporter [reporter]  Use reporter (table|json|xml|markdown|raw) (Default: table)


    $ leasot index.js
    $ leasot **/*.js
    $ leasot index.js lib/*.js
    $ leasot --reporter json index.js
    $ cat index.js | leasot
    $ cat index.cjsx | leasot --filetype .coffee



$ npm install --save-dev leasot


var fs = require('fs');
var leasot = require('leasot');

var contents = fs.readFileSync('./contents.js', 'utf8');
// get the filetype of the file, or force a special parser
var filetype = path.extname('./contents.js');
// add file for better reporting
var file = 'contents.js';
var todos = leasot.parse(filetype, contents, file);

// -> todos now contains the array of todos/fixme parsed

var output = leasot.reporter(todos, {
    reporter: 'json',
    spacing: 2

// -> json output of the todos

Build Time


var leasot = require('leasot');

leasot exposes the following API:


Check whether extension is supported by parser.

Specify an extension including the prefixing dot, for example:

leasot.isExtSupported('.js'); //-> true

Returns: Boolean

.parse(extension, contents, filename)

Parse the contents, using the provided extension. filename will be attached to the return object, so it is recommended to use it if you know it.

extension is the extension to parse as, including a prefixing dot.

contents is a string containing the contents to parse.

filename is an optional string.

Returns: Array of comments.

    file: 'parsedFile.js',
    text: 'comment text',
    kind: 'TODO',
    line: 8

.reporter(comments, config)

Use the specified reporter to report the comments.

comments is the array of comments received from leasot.parse().

config is an object that will also be passed to the reporter itself (allowing custom options for each reporter).

It may also contain the specified reporter:


Can be a string indicating the built-in reporter to use, or an external library used as a reporter.

Could also be a custom function (comments, config)

Type: String|Function

Required: false

Default: raw

Built-in Reporters

  • json
  • xml
  • raw
  • table
  • markdown

Each reporter might contain config params that are useful only for that reporter:


Returns a markdown version of the todos.



How to separate lines in the output file. Defaults to your OS's default line separator.

Type: String

Default: Your system default line feed


How many newLines should separate between comment type blocks.

Type: Number

Default: 2

Minimum: 0


Control the output of a header for each comment kind (i.e todo, fixme).

Type: Function


transformHeader: function (kind) {
    return ['### ' + kind + 's',
        '| Filename | line # | ' + kind,

kind: will be be passed as the comment kind (todo/fixme).

Returns: String[]|String

You are expected to return either an Array of strings or just a string. If you return an array - each item will be separated by a newline in the output.

transformComment(file, line, text, kind)

Control the output for each comment.

Type: Function


transformComment: function (file, line, text, kind) {
    return ['| ' + file + ' | ' + line + ' | ' + text];

file: filename the comment was in.

line: line of comment.

text: comment text

kind: will be be passed as the comment kind (todo/fixme).

Returns: String[]|String

You are expected to return either an Array of strings or just a string. If you return an array - each item will be separated by a newline in the output.


Returns a pretty formatted table of the todos.


Just returns the raw javascript todos


Return a JSON valid representation of the todos.



Type: Number

Default: 2


Return an unformatted XML valid representation of the todos.

Parsed using json2xml



Whether to include xml header

Type: Boolean

Default: true


See https://github.com/estheban/node-json2xml#options--behaviour

Type: Boolean

Default: undefined


MIT ©Gilad Peleg