
Event Indexer

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Blockchain Indexer - StarkNet Africa NodeJs Assessment


This is a blockchain indexer that listens for AccountCreated event emmited by Argents Account Contract. It captures owner and guardian owner, stores them in a MongoDB database, and exposes the indexed data through a GraphQL API.


  • Blockchain Event Listener
  • Data Storage
  • GraphQL API

Project Structure

├── backend
│   ├── dbconfig.ts       # MongoDB configuration and connection logic
│   ├── indexer.ts        # Blockchain event listener and indexer logic
│   ├── server.ts         # GraphQL server setup and resolvers
├── package.json          # Project dependencies and scripts
└── README.md             # Project documentation

Installation and Setup


  • Node.js v16.x or later
  • Yarn and npm
  • MongoDB instance (local or cloud-based)
  • Starknet node or access to an RPC provider

Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and populate it with the following variables:

MONGODB_URI=<Your MongoDB connection string>
APIBARA_TOKEN=<Your Apibara API token>

Install Dependencies

npm install

Running the Indexer and GraphQL Server

You can run the indexer and GraphQL server concurrently using the following command:

yarn start:both

This will start both the indexer and the GraphQL server.

Alternatively, you can run them separately:

  • Start the indexer:

    yarn start:indexer
  • Start the GraphQL server:

    yarn start:server


The GraphQL server exposes the following queries:

getAccounts(page: Int, limit: Int): [AccountEvent]

Fetches a paginated list of indexed events.

  • Arguments:

    • page (optional): The page number (default is 1).
    • limit (optional): The number of items per page (default is 10).
  • Returns: A list of AccountEvent objects.

getAccountByGuardian(guardian: String!): AccountEvent

Retrieves a specific event by its guardian address.

  • Arguments:

    • guardian: The guardian address.
  • Returns: An AccountEvent object.

getAccountByOwner(owner: String!): AccountEvent

Retrieves a specific event by its owner address.

  • Arguments:

    • owner: The owner address.
  • Returns: An AccountEvent object.