
📝 A simple markdown to anki-deck converter without any weird custom syntax

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Use this ORIGINAL: https://github.com/Steve2955/md2apkg


A simple markdown to anki-deck converter without any weird custom syntax.

npm test


npm install -g md2apkg


Basic Usage

md2apkg -o deck.apkg README.md

Advanced options

  -i, --input <path>            markdown file path
  -o, --output <path>           apkg file path (default: "./output.apkg")
  -n, --deck-name <name>        name of the deck (otherwise defaults to first heading)
  --ignore-levels <levels>      list of heading levels to ignore
  --include-empty               include empty cards in the deck
  --ignore-latex-dollar-syntax  $\LaTeX$-Syntax will not be converted to \(\LaTeX\)-Syntax supported by anki
  --code-style                  highlight.js style for code syntax highlighting (defaults to "github")

How are cards created?

Cards are created for each individual heading. The heading itself is used as the front, whereas the back contains everything following the heading.

Custom Markdown Extensions

You may want to exlude certain parts of your markdown document. To not create a card for a particular heading simply include the following html-comment in its body.

<!-- md2apkg ignore-card -->

In some cases you might want to include more than the heading on the front of the card.

## Example Header

This paragraph should be on the front in addition to the heading.

<!-- md2apkg split -->

The back starts here.

Using % instead of <!-- md2apkg split --> works as well.

Tags for your cards are supported as well, just use the following html-comment.

<!-- md2apkg tags tagA tagB tagC tagD -->