Plugin for poehud with my experimental functions
F1 - Pick items from ground around you. Currency, maps and div card in priority. F2 - Trying open chests/trunk/barrels and etc around you. PageDown - Identified all items in inventory, need scroll in inventory.
PageUp - When inventory opened, click on all identified items (Using for fast sell items)
Pause - When inventory opened, click on all unidentified items Using for fast sell items)
End - Now have setting for old sorting only maps or new sorting.
New sorting use new method and have option "Like human". And now you can sort maps (how before), gems by quality then name, Jewelery by classname, then basename, then rarity, then itemlevel, jewels by rarity (unique every time in end), then basename.
What sort is selected by a larger number of items type. Home - Get 3 maps for recipe +1 tier from current stash tab.