This is a Docker image intended for building other Docker images and pushing them to AWS ECR with the AWS CLI.
It works well with Jenkins and Kubernetes plugin but will likely work with other container based CI/CD solutions, too.
If you have special needs, file an issue.
The easiest way to use the image is in a CI/CD tool that allows you to "bring your own container" (Jenkins, CircleCI). Here you can run the Docker commands you need to build, tag, and push your image.
Make sure to have AWS credentials with the proper access to your repository available, for example as environment variables.
eval $(aws ecr get-login --registry-ids <ID> --no-include-email --region <region>)
to login to your ECR registry.
The image ships with a convenience script for tagging images in ECR.
For example:
tag-image my-image v1.2.3 eu-central-1
is the name of the image (ECR repository) you want to tag.v1.2.3
is the
is the region the registry is located in.
All arguments are required.
This will tag images directly in the repository without having to upload or download anything.