The KeySMS gem is a Ruby gem for sending SMS messages through the Norwegian SMS gateway, KeySMS.
If you just need to run the gem, it's much easier just to install the gem:
gem install keysms
In order to use KeySMS, you need to register as a user and get an API key from KeySMS.
To send an SMS:
- Create a new instance of the SMS sender:
sms =
- Authenticate using your username and API key:
sms.authenticate(username, key)
- Send your message:
sms.send(your_message, receivers)
Receivers can either be a single phone number (string) or a list of receivers.
KeySMS will raise an exception if something goes wrong:
- NoValidReceiversError: If one or more of the receivers isn't a valid phone number.
- NotAuthenticatedError: If either your username or API key isn't recognized by the gateway.
- SMSError: General exception in case of unhandled/unknown errors.