
Twitter clone in .NET core 3.0 and Angular 8

Primary LanguageC#


.Net core 3.0 sdk
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install nswag -g
MSSQL server

Getting started without docker:

  • Run BE (will automatically install nugetpackages)
  • Run Update-Database in nugetterminal (target DB in appsettings.json)

With docker:

  • run docker-compose build in root folder
  • run docker-compose up
  • navigate to localhost port 7000. DB port is 1400

Starting FE:

  • navigate to fe root folder.
  • npm install
  • ng serve
  • fe hosted locally on port 4200

When deploying:

  • Change the secret that is used to create secure JWT token.
  • ng build --prod
  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up


  • Swagger api testing and documentation
  • Jwt token authentication, login and registration, refreshing JWT with refresh tokens.
  • Individual user accounts