
sudoku game with rest

Primary LanguageJava


How to run

deploy the ear file

Sudoku Solver

This application aims to solve given numbers by user and check it is possible to make a sudoku or return an error.

Technical Infrastructure


Java 8




The application is deployable on Glassfish(4.1) application server.

Default port


How to call


  • sudokuPattern should be like this: input=x,6,3,4,9,x,x,x,1,x,x,x,x,x,x,7,x,9,x,1,9,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,1,x,x,2,9,3,x,9,x,x,1,x,7,x,x,2,x,7,8,9,x,x,4,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,8,2,x,3,x,6,x,x,x,x,x,x,4,x,x,x,2,9,1,7,x


Maven is the preferential build manager.


The implementation is provided as a web service architecture. There are many advantages to support

web service when developing applications. Java provides restful and other(SOAP) based web services libraries

Rest services are more readable and testable besides, it is lightweight and we don't have to put

additional envelope stuffs like in the others we do. But of course, architecture should be defined

in order to requirements and current technical situation we have.

In java to develop rest services, JAX-RS api is used. Jersey is one of the reference implementation

of JAX-RS and it is open source. For data readability, JSON is preferred. To provide JSON support

Genson library is added to maven dependencies. It is a data-binding and streaming library for JSON and java.


As the requirements for this task is so simple, we don't need to implement authentication to make secure our rest services but in real, we should think about at least authentication and authorization part. In addition, there are some methods to apply on our application in compliance with best practices:

  • Use HTTPS protocol(it needs to keystore file on server)
  • Validate input parameters (implemented)
  • Protect http requests(put,post,delete) from CSRF attack(Jersey includes csrf protection filter)

Implementation Details

What is sudoku

Sudoku is a puzzle in numbers one to nine into a grid consisting of nine squares subdivided into a further nine smaller squares in such a way that every number appears once in each horizontal line, vertical line, and square.

The requirements

  • We need 9 x 9 grid
  • Each cell can have distinct numbers in 1 - 9 range
  • Each 3 x 3 boxes, vertical and horizontal line can have distinct numbers in 1 - 9 range


To find a valid solution, dept-first search algorithm used. Dept-first search tends to be recursive. Because of the our constraints are not so deep(9 x 9 matrix) dept-first search approach would be a good candidate to find an optimal solution. Recursive approach would cause overflow error if input parameters are so big but in this case we don't need to worry about.

I strived to separate tasks as possible as I can.

Big O analysis

Dept-first search analyze O(mxn) for matrix in our application O(n^2)

Validation of input parameters was implemented.

P.S : I'm not good at java8(but I am willing to be good at), maybe there would be a way to parse given input better than I implemented via stream operations.

Exception Handling

ExceptionMapper interface offers build custom exception handlers. ExceptionMapper is a contract for a provider that maps Java exceptions to Response object, toResponse() method will be triggered when an exception occurs. I implemented custom exception handler class, it supports the exception is more understandable and clean.


To log exceptions and some details we want to write application log, log4j implementation added. The exceptions occured during the runtime will be logged.


There are some useful methods were implemented to test analyzing the possible case.

I just implemented unit test cases but some scenario based cases should be considered in real.

Integration test is very helpful if your application is distributed.

For unit test Jersey Test Framework is implemented and it is relatively easy. We just need to override

configure() method and we simply investigate the response namely the status code returned by the service.