These are instructions for integrating Swedish BankID that aim to be as succinct as possible. They should cover the needs of 99% of BankID integrations.
For a complete reference, refer to the official documentation available at
It's assumed that you are familiar with how BankID works from the users point of view. Armed with that knowledge, you should have all the important parts up and running within a couple of hours. Let's go.
You will need a test BankID to be able to test your integration on the testing environment. As far as I know, you can't have both a test ID and your normal one installed on the same device, so you will need a dedicated testing device. For iOS you will use the regular client with some reconfiguring, but for Android you will have to install a custom APK that you can find here.
The instructions for installing the test identity can be found here. Complete this step before you move on with the guide.
You have to configure your request agent to use the client SSL certificate provided by BankID. The specifics of how to do that will depend on your environment.
BankID provides a certificate in PFX format for use with the test environment, available here. The passphrase for this file is qwerty123
. Switching to production later is a matter of using a different file (that your issuing bank will provide).
The public keys that you will be using to validate the identity of the responding server are:
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- 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 -----END CERTIFICATE-----
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- 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 -----END CERTIFICATE-----
All three of those files (pfx, prod key, test key) are included in this repo, in the cert
After you've configured the http agent, you're ready to start making API calls.
- All calls are made as HTTP POST
- Must include the header
Content-Type: application/json
- All parameters should be sent as JSON in the request body
- For all the methods covered below, calling them is a matter of making a POST request to
The base URL for the test environment is
, and production is located at
. These may not be the most current ones when you're reading this, but they should remain available indefinitely at the given locations.
To initiate authentication, call the auth
endpoint (for example
) with the following parameters.
Name | Required | Example | Description |
endUserIp | Yes | "" |
personalNumber | Yes* | "198006211414" |
Required for the "other device" flow. For "same device" it's optional. |
requirement | No | {} |
Object containing various flags. For "same device" flow, pass certificatePolicies: ['1.2.752.78.1.5'] . Another useful requirement is allowFingerprint: true . You probably won't ever need any of the other possible fields. |
Making this call will trigger the authorization flow in the users BankID app.
To initiate signing, use the sign
Name | Required | Example | Description |
endUserIp | Yes | "" |
userVisibleData | Yes | "SmFnIGludHlnYXIgYXR0IGphZyB2aWxsIHNrcml2YSBww6UgZG9rdW1lbnRldC4=" |
Base64 encoded string containing the text you want the user to sign. |
personalNumber | Yes* | "198006211414" |
See auth . |
requirement | No | {} |
See auth . |
Making this call will trigger the signing flow in the users BankID app.
The auth
and sign
calls return an autoStartToken
that can be used to construct a url that can be launched on the users device and picked up by the BankID app, if it is installed.
On iOS, the url should be constructed like this:[AUTOSTART_TOKEN_HERE]&redirect=null
On any other device, use this format:
According to the documentation, the order of the query parameters matters, so don't change it or add any other parameters.
The brackets around the autoStartToken should be included. In other words, this is a valid url:
And this is not:
Both the sign
and auth
endpoints return objects that contain the fields autoStartToken
and orderRef
. You will need to poll the collect
method to retrieve the status of an ongoing operation.
Documentation states that you should call collect
every two seconds but specifically not more often than once per second.
The collect
method takes a single parameter – orderRef
– and returns two out of three values: status
, hintCode
and completionData
If status
is pending
, keep polling.
If status
is complete
or failed
, the flow has finished. For failed and pending orders, hintCode
will provide more information on the reason/state. For completed orders, completionData
will be an object containing information on the user.
Call cancel
with a single parameter – orderRef
. Any ongoing orders must be cancelled before the user can start a new order.
Those four methods, auth
, sign
, collect
, and cancel
are all you need to get your integration working. Once you get this far though, you'll need to refer to the official docs to ensure you're in compliance with all of the specific requirements therein. For example, certain failstates require you to display specific error messages, and certain data must always be persisted to disk.