
Googledocs rows/columns to key/value JSON

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Googledocs to JSON

  • One simple way to sync google rows/columns values to key/value JSON.
  • First row is one column for each file
  • First column is key for each value.


$ npm install -g googledocs2json

Authorization / Config

Authorization is done using OAuth2, please get your client/secret key at https://console.developers.google.com,

Select your project -> Credentials -> Create Credentials -> OAuth client ID. Download the JSON-file and rename it to config.creds.json


Save this file to the folder you want to generate the files in.

    "spreadsheet_key" : "your spreadsheet key"


Create this file in the folder you want to generate the files in.

  • Range -> See Google Spreadsheet API v4 for more info.
  "range": "Sheet1!A1:C"


Stores your token after authentication



Key en.json sv.json
Car expenses Cost for passenger cars Personbilskostnader
Computers, advertisement and PR Advertising and PR Reklam och PR
Building costs Property Cost Fastighetskostnader
Freight and transport Freight and transport Frakter och transporter
Supplies and inventory Consumable equipment and supplies Förbrukningsmaterial och Förbrukningsinventarier


$ g2j


Two files were created. en.json and sv.json

  "Car expenses":"Cost for passenger cars",
  "Computers, advertisement and PR":"Advertising and PR",
  "Building costs":"Property Cost",
  "Freight and transport":"Freight and transport",
  "Supplies and inventory":"Consumable equipment and supplies"

alt tag