Welcome to your new dbt project!

There is now an Exploration article in Medium and a more in depth one Lateral joins article in Medium

schema-ingestor-article (In Progress)

Demo code for an article. Download to an imdb_files folder in the parent of the repository the files of IMDB NONCOMMERCIAL DATASET

Also install depenencies in a virtual environment from requirments.txt. In my case

python.exe -m venv venv


pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Because of storage shortage the cleansed (or original) datasets are materialized as views

Using the starter project

Try running the following commands:

  • rm -rf database_files/dev.duckdb
  • dbt clean
  • dbt deps
  • dbt seed
  • dbt run
  • dbt test


There is a jupyter notebook for profiling with jupysql.

For profiling with soda-core, execute (if the existing json does not satisfy you)

  • soda scan -d imdb_dataset -c configuration.yaml checks.yaml -V -srf soda_scan.json

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