
API that provides information of faculties, regional campuses, and study programs at UPI 🏫

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Faculty UPI API

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Framework & Database
  3. API Endpoint
  4. Environment Settings
  5. Running the App


This is a Public API that contains general information such as attributes or names of faculties, regional campuses, and study programs at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), ranging from undergraduate to doctoral levels.

Framework & Database

This project use NestJS framework that writes in Typescript, and use MongoDB database. The database contains 2 collection, faculties and studies.

Furthermore, The 'faculty' term refers to both 'faculty' and 'regional campus' because both have same level and similar entities.

faculties collection stores all of faculty document that each document has fields:

  • _id, The auto generated document id by MongoDB.
  • code, The code of faculty (primary key).
  • name, The name of faculty.
  • abbr, The abbreviation of faculty's name.

studies collection stores all of study program document that each document has fields:

  • _id, The auto generated document id by MongoDB.
  • code, The code of study program (primary key).
  • name, The name of study program.
  • faculty, The faculty's code of study program (foreign key).

API Endpoint

Get All Faculties

GET /faculties

Get Specific Faculty

GET /faculties/{facultyCode}
  • Use this endpoint to get a specific faculty by its code.
  • The facultyCode must be an alphabet character. If not, you will get 400 Bad Request response.
  • The response will be 404 Not Found if there are no faculty with code that equals to facultyCode.
  • Usage example : https://faculty-upi.herokuapp.com/faculties/a

Get Study Programs in Faculty

GET /faculties/{facultyCode}/studies
  • Use this endpoint to get all of study programs in a specific faculty.
  • The facultyCode must be an alphabet character. If not, you will get 400 Bad Request response.
  • The response will be 404 Not Found if there are no faculty with code that equals to facultyCode.
  • Usage example : https://faculty-upi.herokuapp.com/faculties/a/studies

Find Faculties by Name

GET /faculties/name/{facultyName}
  • Use this endpoint to find faculties by its name.
  • The facultyName must be at least 3 characters. If not, you will get 400 Bad Request response.
  • The response will be an empty array [] if there are no faculty matched with facultyName.
  • Usage example : https://faculty-upi.herokuapp.com/faculties/name/kampus

Find Faculties by Abbreviation

GET /faculties/abbr/{facultyAbbr}
  • Use this endpoint to find faculties by its abbreviation.
  • The facultyAbbr must be at least 3 characters. If not, you will get 400 Bad Request response.
  • The response will be an empty array [] if there are no faculty matched with facultyAbbr.
  • Usage example : https://faculty-upi.herokuapp.com/faculties/abbr/kamda

Get All Study Programs

GET /studies

Get Spesific Study Program

GET /studies/{studyCode}
  • Use this endpoint to get a specific study program by its code.
  • The studyCode must be 4 alphanumeric characters. If not, you will get 400 Bad Request response.
  • The response will be 404 Not Found if there are no study program with code that equals to studyCode.
  • Usage example : https://faculty-upi.herokuapp.com/studies/G505

Find Study Program by Name

GET /studies/name/{studyName}
  • Use this endpoint to find study programs by its name.
  • The studyName must be at least 3 characters. If not, you will get 400 Bad Request response.
  • The response will be an empty array [] if there are no study program matched with studyName.
  • Usage example : https://faculty-upi.herokuapp.com/studies/name/pendidikan

Go to API documentation for more details about the endpoint. You can also try to use it by clicking the "Try it out" button inside each endpoint.

Environment Settings

1. Create .env file

You can easily duplicate the .env.example file and rename it to .env.

2. Configure HOST and PORT

Open .env file, then :

  • Set HOST with the hostname of your app. The default is localhost.

  • Set PORT with port number you want to use. The default is 3000.

The default values of HOST and PORT is example values to used in development stage. You may have to change it later for production stage.

3. Configure database connection

Set MONGODB_CONNECT_URI with connection string of your cluster. See MongoDB docs for details. The connection string looks like this :


4. App is ready

Now you are ready to run the app on local.

Running The App

For run the app in development environment, use this command :

$ npm run start

See nestjs.README.md file for details.

Finally, you can access the endpoint from http://localhost:3000 by default, or depends on PORT settings at .env file.