The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
Use a definition file like this:
/// <reference path="jquery.d.ts" />
Definition files should be called 'library.d.ts'. In case there are multiple versions supported, the latest one will be without a version number in the file name. Older versions will be in the form of 'library-1.0.d.ts'.
Test files called 'library-tests.ts'. They are not runnable, in the TDD way. They contain code that should compile with no errors, usually taken from the documentation.samples of the library. It is very desirable each new contribution to contain tests too.
TypeScript definition package manager
NuGet package(s) coming soon
- AngularJS (by Diego Vilar) (wiki)
- async (by Boris Yankov)
- Backbone.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Bootbox (by Vincent Bortone)
- Bootstrap (by Boris Yankov)
- bootstrap.datepicker (by Boris Yankov)
- Box2DWeb (by Josh Baldwin)
- Breeze (by Boris Yankov)
- Chosen (by Boris Yankov)
- Chrome (by Matthew Kimber)
- CodeMirror (by François de Campredon)
- d3.js (from TypeScript samples)
- EaselJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- ember.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Express (by Boris Yankov)
- Fabric.js (by Oliver Klemencic)
- Fancybox (by Boris Yankov)
- Finite State Machine (by Boris Yankov)
- Foundation (by Boris Yankov)
- glDatePicker (by Dániel Tar)
- GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP) (by Robert S.)
- GoogleMaps (by Esben Nepper)
- Hammer.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Handlebars (by Boris Yankov)
- Highcharts (by damianog)
- History.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Humane.js (by John Vrbanac)
- i18next (by Maarten Docter)
- Impress.js (by Boris Yankov)
- iScroll (by Boris Yankov)
- Jasmine (by Boris Yankov)
- jQRangeSlider (by Dániel Tar)
- jQuery (from TypeScript samples)
- jQuery Mobile (by Boris Yankov)
- jQuery UI (by Boris Yankov)
- jQuery.BBQ (by Adam R. Smith)
- jQuery.contextMenu (by Natan Vivo)
- jQuery.Cookie (by Roy Goode)
- jQuery.dynatree (by François de Campredon)
- jQuery.Flot (by Matt Burland)
- jQuery.Globalize (by Boris Yankov)
- jQuery.jNotify (by James Curran)
- jQuery.simplePagination (by Natan Vivo)
- jQuery.Timepicker (by Anwar Javed)
- jQuery.Transit (by MrBigDog2U)
- jQuery.Validation (by Boris Yankov)
- jQuery.Watermark (by Anwar Javed)
- KeyboardJS (by Vincent Bortone)
- Knockback (by Marcel Binot)
- Knockout.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Knockout.Mapping (by Boris Yankov)
- Knockout.Postbox (by Judah Gabriel)
- Knockout.Validation (by Dan Ludwig)
- Knockout.Viewmodel (by Oisin Grehan)
- ko.editables (by Oisin Grehan)
- KoLite (by Boris Yankov)
- linq.js (by Marcin Najder)
- Marked (by William Orr)
- Modernizr (by Boris Yankov)
- Moment.js (by Michael Lakerveld)
- Mousetrap (by Dániel Tar)
- Mustache.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Node.js (from TypeScript samples)
- node_redis (by Boris Yankov)
- node-sqlserver (by Boris Yankov)
- PhoneGap (by Boris Yankov)
- Platform (by Jake Hickman)
- PouchDB (by Bill Sears)
- PreloadJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- QUnit (by Diullei Gomes)
- Rx.js (by gsino)
- Raphael (by CheCoxshall)
- require.js (by Josh Baldwin)
- Sammy.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Select2 (by Boris Yankov)
- SignalR (by Boris Yankov)
- (by William Orr)
- SockJS (by Emil Ivanov)
- SoundJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- Spin (by Boris Yankov)
- Sugar (by Josh Baldwin)
- SwipeView (by Boris Yankov)
- Teechart (by Steema)
- Toastr (by Boris Yankov)
- TweenJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- tween.js (by Adam R. Smith)
- Ubuntu Unity Web API (by John Vrbanac)
- Underscore.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Underscore.js (Typed) (by Josh Baldwin)
- Viewporter (by Boris Yankov)
- Vimeo (by Daz Wilkin)
- WebRTC (by Ken Smith)
- YouTube (by Daz Wilkin)
- Zynga Scroller (by Boris Yankov)