
Multithreaded canny edge detection written in C++

Primary LanguageC

Multithreaded Canny Edge Detection

Opens image files and performs canny edge detection on them. Uses multithreading to improve performance.

Contains a variety of interfaces and implementations for use with normal image processing and concurrent image processing.


bash install.sh path/to/folder

This will create the directory if it does not exist as well as lib and include directories.

You can also install to your user directory if you want:

sudo bash install.sh /usr


To run demo:

  1. make demo
  2. ./demo.exe [inputfile]

The demo directory has multiple files demonstrating how to use:

  • CannyEdgeDetect (demo.cpp)
  • CompositeFilter (demo.cpp)
  • Implement your own Filter (sample_filter.h)
  • Implement your own ThreadedFilter (sample_threaded_filter.h)

Shared Library (.so)

To compile shared library:

  1. make lib

libimageio.so will be located in the lib folder.

To use it:

g++ -Wl,-rpath,lib [other compilation args...] -Llib -limageio 

This assumes that libimageio.so is located in the lib folder. Do note that library flags must come last.

Run main executable

To run:

  1. make canny
  2. ./image_processor [inputs] [filter-type: canny-edge-detect, gaussian, ...] [outputs]