
Playwright docker alpine with nodejs (477MB). Based on official node:14.16-alpine image.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Playwright Docker Alpine With Node.JS

v1 - based on node:14.16-alpine (477MB)

  • Small size 477MB
  • Dockerfile based on official node:14.16-alpine image (see Dockerfile)
  • With seccomp profile for Chrome (chrome.json, thanks to Jessie Frazelle)
  • Under node user.


docker-compose up --build -V

v2 - based on alpine:3.13 (420MB)


docker-compose -f docker-compose.v2.alpine.yml up --build -V

Just copy, paste and go)

My choice is v1, because it's easier to update the nodejs version just by changing the base image tag, +50 MB is not much.

Glad if I saved your time.