
☁️ Cloudflare Edge Worker to relay Health Check messages to Splunk On-Call

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Cloudflare Health Check → Splunk On-Call

☁️ Cloudflare Edge Worker to relay Health Check messages to Splunk On-Call (FKA Victorops)

graph TD;
	A[Cloudflare Health Check] -- unhealthy --> B[Relay Worker];
	A -- healthy --> B;
	B -- critical --> C[Splunk On Call];
	B -- recovery --> C;

I'm using fake keys and domain names in this document

Splunk On-Call REST API

Retreive your API key from Splunk On-Call:


Cloudflare Edge Worker

Create an edge worker with the name health-check-to-splunk-on-call (suggestion)

Cloudflare Notification Destination

Configure a notification destination webhook on Cloudflare

  • Name: Descriptive name
  • URL: https://health-check-to-splunk-on-call.my-worker-subdomain.workers.dev/<ROUTING_KEY>
  • Secret: Splunk On-Call API key

Use the API key from Splunk On-Call as the secret:

Data Schemas

Cloudflare Health Check Webhook Payload

  • name: [String] Notification name
  • text: [String] Check name, Check ID, Time, Status
  • data:
    • time: [String] 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss +0000 UTC'
    • status: Healthy | Unhealthy
    • reason: [String] Response code mismatch error, No failure
    • name: [String] test_name
    • health_check_id: [String]
    • … more arbitrary information

Splunk On-Call REST endpoint API

Splunk On-Call REST endpoint documentation

  • entity_id: [String]
  • entity_display_name: [String]
  • state_message: [String]
  • state_start_time: [Number] (Linux/Unix time)


Add the Splunk relay destination to your notification.

Make sure you choose "Becomes healthy or unhealthy" to ensure incidents will be automatically resolved when applicable.