Uber trip data from a freedom of information request to NYC's Taxi & Limousine Commission
- adamfe@sidewalklabs
- adnanhashmi@Microsoft
- ajnewmanNew York, NY
- amos5
- andrewflowersAppcast
- bernardr/var/log
- billhibazzz
- bitsybitsyNew Orleans, LA
- bizworldUSA
- boygirl
- bycoffe
- cbishop5ShopDrop
- chownation@dart-technologies
- exogen@stripe
- jaybAmherst, MA
- jhcloos
- jmcvetta@ordinaryexperts
- jnivaShanghai,China
- jonathanglima
- jsvine
- juruwolfeFiveThirtyEight
- katiemarrinerFiveThirtyEight
- khof312UN Global Pulse
- lsuttle
- mathisonian@uwdata
- micahcohenFiveThirtyEight
- mohanprasathFinland
- namhyungleeDepartment of Economics, Korea National Open University
- pandeydevanshuh
- paulschreiber@techmatters
- philna@tableau
- robbyoconnorNew Windsor, NY
- sgichohi@timescale
- tuckertime
- vikingspy
- XPF100Decatur, Ga