
BUG - Requester Wait Time metrics have mismatches

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Are you a current Fivetran customer?
Yes. My name is Alexei, Analytics Engineer working at Colvin.

Describe the bug
The metric Requester Wait Time is having different numbers compared to the Fivetran UI for the same ticket ids.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to Zendesk queries editor. Select ticket_id as row, select Requester Wait Time - Business Hours and Requester Wait Time - Calendar hours as metric.
  2. Go to the dbt output table zendesk__ticket_metrics and query for the same metrics and the same ticket_ids.
  3. The numbers for Requester Wait Time don't match.

Expected behavior
The numbers of the table zendesk__ticket_metrics should match with the Zendesk UI numbers.

Project variables configuration

name: 'dbt_customer_experience'
version: '1.0.0'
config-version: 2

profile: 'customer_experience'

source-paths: ["models"]
analysis-paths: ["analysis"]
test-paths: ["tests"]
data-paths: ["data"]
macro-paths: ["macros"]
snapshot-paths: ["snapshots"]

target-path: "target"  # directory which will store compiled SQL files
clean-targets:         # directories to be removed by `dbt clean`
    - "target"
    - "dbt_modules"

    using_organization_tags: False
    zendesk_database: thecolvin-data
    zendesk_schema: fivetran_zendesk

        materialized: ephemeral
        schema: staging

    +schema: staging    
      +schema: staging
      +schema: staging
      materialized: view
      +schema: staging
      materialized: view
    +schema: staging
    materialized: view

Package Version

  - package: fivetran/zendesk
    version: 0.7.0


  • BigQuery
  • Redshift
  • Snowflake
  • Postgres
  • Databricks
  • Other (provide details below)

Additional context
See the screenshots


requester wait time

Please indicate the level of urgency
The metrics are not matching with the Zendesk UI. The stakeholders are being affected in analysis and decision making.

Are you interested in contributing to this package?

  • Yes, I can do this and open a PR for your review.
  • Possibly, but I'm not quite sure how to do this. I'd be happy to do a live coding session with someone to get this fixed.
  • No, I'd prefer if someone else fixed this. I don't have the time and/or don't know what the root cause of the problem is.

Hey @alexei-colvin thanks for opening this issue and digging into our Zendesk metrics! 👀

Does it seem to be that almost all _calendar wait times match (if off by a minute or so)? If so, I want to confirm that the _business wait times are being impacted by our transformation logic around the tickets changing schedules. In addition to the comment I created within Issue #53, I will look into this and provide an explanation of our modeling decisions for you.

Once I provide this write-up, we can chat more about logic in further detail and how it relates to the Zendesk UI metrics.

Hello @fivetran-joemarkiewicz Sorry for the delay. Yes, it seems all _calendar wait times are matching. Regarding the _business numbers, they are very different respect to the Zendesk UI numbers. Are you going to do some updates here or not? I would really appreciate it if you could explain to me what's going on below, to understand why you think the package's results are better than Zendesk's.

Hi All,

The latest release of the package should include the fix that closes the discrepancy of the business metrics for reply time. Feel free to open a new issue if the discrepancy still persists.

Thank you!