
Plugin for

Provides access to global network of notes. Anyone can create, view or edit notes. All changes will be synchronized between all participants.


  • Upload your notes to the cloud
  • Access any note just by passing link
  • Search global notes with auto suggestions by title
  • Resolve obsidian-url pointed on cloud note


If you on macOS read Ctrl like Cmd key in this instruction


Press Ctrl + P to open command palette

  • Create note
  • Update note Download changes for current file from cloud
  • Delete remote note Permanent delete the note system-wide. If you just delete file in your filesystem, nothing will happen in the cloud
  • Sync base Synchronize the local database with the cloud
  • Upload current note Upload current note (if it is not synchronized yet)
  • Copy obsidian url Copy to clipboard url like obsidian://netwik?id=<note id>. Anyone with this plugin can pass such link to open note, even it do not downloaded yet


  1. Type your trigger symbol (/ by default) to open suggestions of remote notes
  2. Press Esc to close suggestions or choose one with keyboard arrow or mouse click
  3. Obsidian internal link will be generated and remote file will be downloaded to local storage

Fast note create

  1. Type trigger symbol (/)
  2. Write title of your future note
  3. Press Shift + Enter to create it

Files manipulation

  • If delete .md or .json files in w directory nothing will happen in the cloud. Local base exists only for comfortable obsidian navigation
  • You can move (by mouse drag or file rename) any file in your obsidian vault to w folder. This file will be parsed and uploaded. Locally it will be renamed to normal note (id in begin of filename)
  • In any local note call command Upload current note to move it to remote storage and w folder
  • If you click to internal link, that has not be loaded yet, obsidian will create file and plugin insert content to it
  • All changes saves automatically or by Ctrl + S

Rendering files

  • All local filenames contains its id and internal links too. But in Preview mode, renders only note title for convenience


  1. Go to the obsidian settings. Ctrl + ,
  2. Open Netwik tab (if plugin enabled)

Available settings

  • Trigger symbol. Triggers suggestion show
  • Backend entrypoint. Call API on this address, change only if plugin does not work properly

System design

  • There is remote mongo base, that contains all notes as json objects
  • Distributed net of servers receives queries from plugin to provide data
  • Plugin stores all files in w/ folder in root of vault
  • All note have contains it absolute id. Title can be changes, but id always the same
  • There are also w/.blocks folder to store note related info in json files. Each .json corresponds single .md file

Manual installation

  1. Download main.js and manifest.json from Latest release
  2. Create folders and copy files to <your vault>/.obsidian/plugins/netwik
  3. Reload obsidian -> disable Save Mode if asked -> enable Netwik plugin in Settings -> Community Plugins

Dev installation

  1. Extract the netwik folder from the zip (or clone github) to your vault's plugins folder: <vault>/.obsidian/plugins/netwik
    Note: On some machines the .obsidian folder may be hidden. On MacOS you should be able to press Command+Shift+Dot to show the folder in Finder.
  2. npm i or yarn to install dependencies in netwik folder
  3. npm run dev to start compilation in watch mode
  4. Reload Obsidian
  5. If prompted about Safe Mode, you can disable safe mode and enable the plugin.


  • Add smart server side merge (not just replace with new content)
  • Every note history in obsidian tab (like commits history in git)
  • Recursive upload from local. Move single file to storage and choose in modal window dependent files to upload
  • Internal links renaming. Change title to rename files and other base internal links
  • Blocks query language in markdown files. You write query like code block -> plugin renders corresponding list of notes
  • Global search like Quick Switcher. Press Ctrl + O and type any note title

About developing

  • Make Github issue if you find a mistake or have cool feature idea
  • If you are interested in a project and want to participate in the development or promotion, contact telegram