
Access your computer through your browser

Primary LanguageGroovy


Groovide is a tiny web editor that leverage groovlet, grape, ace, pegdown and twitter bootstrap. It is written 100% in groovy and contains less than 500 lines!

It features:

  • a file explorer, with color syntax, html and markdown preview
  • mobile version (for instance browse to groovide/m/view?name=/home/)
  • a file upload capability
  • a file editor (using ace)
  • a shell (yeah, check the source for the ajax magic!)
  • a basic grails IDE (i.e. tree viewer, shell, editor, remember the last edited files when not saved, even when you closed the browser, you need HTML5 browser) at http://host:9090/groovide/grails/ide?name=/path/to/your/grails/root/project
  • you can even stream your video from the app!


After you forked the repository, go to the root folder and groovy groovy-app.groovy

Fire your favorite browser at http://localhost:9090/groovide/explore/view?name=/home/.

You will be prompted for a user and a password. It is admin/groovide and it is not changeable yet, unless you change it in the source of auth/login.





