
A template repo for new AI.JSX projects.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AI.JSX Hello World

This is a simple AI.JSX project that demonstrates how to use the ai-jsx package to create a simple AI-powered application.

This is meant to be as simple as possible, and as such the app here does not have any actual UI – it just writes its output to the console.

Building and running the app

  1. Fork/clone this repo.
  2. Set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable, which you can obtain from the OpenAI API dashboard .
  3. Run npm install.
  4. Run npm start.

You'll see output like the following:

Oh, wond'rous beast of language, vast and strong,
Whose depths of knowledge ne'er have been surpassed,
A marvel wrought by human mind and thought,
At once both tool and servant to be sought.

A giant of the digital age's shore,
This model hurls its answers from afar,
And lingual shades and connotations more,
In quest of all the questions we may parse.

Its words and turns, its meanings manifold,
A tangle of thesaurus and of wit,
Yet all coheres, and all together holds,
A master craftsman's hand within it.

So let us hail this engine of the age,
And marvel at its power and its stage.