The NETOPIA PHP library provides easy access to the NETOPIA Payments API from applications written in the PHP language.
PHP 5.7.0 and later.
By composer
You can install the library via Composer. Run the following command:
Without composer
Basically, you can just download the library & use it in your application like the example
API Actions
1) Start the transaction
To start the transaction you will need to send the request to START end point,
Action URL: /payment/card/start
Param type: JSON
- Param structure: The JSON as parameter has tree main part
- Config: to set configiguraton section of a transaction
- Payment: to set payment method and card informations of a transaction
- Order: to set order details for a transction
- Sample JSON:
{ "config": { "emailTemplate": "confirm", "notifyUrl": "", // Your IPN URL "redirectUrl": "", "language": "RO" }, "payment": { "options": { "installments": 1, "bonus": 0 }, "instrument": { "type": "card", "account": "9900990099009900", "expMonth": 1, "expYear": 2024, "secretCode": "111", "token": null }, "data": null }, "order": { "ntpID": null, "posSignature": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX", "dateTime": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z", "description": "Your payment description", "orderID": "YOUR-UNIQUE-ORDER_ID", "amount": 20, // Total amount "currency": "RON", "billing": { "email": "", "phone": "string", "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string", "state": "string", "postalCode": "string", "details": "string" }, "shipping": { "email": "", "phone": "string", "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string", "state": "string", "postalCode": "string", "details": "string" }, "products": [ { "name": "Tshirt01", "code": "string123", "category": "fashion", "price": 10, "vat": 0 }, { "name": "Tshirt02", "code": "string123", "category": "fashion", "price": 10, "vat": 0 } ], "installments": { "selected": 0, "available": [ 0 ] }, "payload": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" } } }
- Param structure: The JSON as parameter has tree main part
Getting start
$request = new Request(); $request->posSignature = 'XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX'; // Your signiture ID hear $request->apiKey = 'ApiKey_GENERATE-YOUR-KEY-FROM-MobilPay-AND-USE-IT-HEAR'; // Your API key hear $request->isLive = false; // false for SANDBOX & true for LIVE $request->notifyUrl = ''; // Path of your IPN $request->redirectUrl = null;
Start action response
The response of START endpoint, will be a Json with following structure
{ "customerAction": { "authenticationToken": "YOUR-UNIQUE-AUTHENTICATION-TOKEN-PER-REQUEST", "formData": { "backUrl": "", "paReq": "UNIQUE-paReq-ID" // Unique "paReq" ID }, "type": "Authentication3D", "url": "https://BankAuthentication3D:0000/ABC/DEF" // the bank 3D authentication URL }, "error": { "code": "100", "message": "Approved" }, "payment": { "amount": 20, "currency": "RON", "ntpID": "1234567", // Unique transaction ID "status": 15 } }
the following items, you will need for next steps
Regarding the Error code & Status code continuing the process
Error codes
100 : Set authenticationToken & ntpID to session
56 : duplicated Order ID
99 : There is another order with a different price
19 : Expire Card Error
20 : Founduri Error
21 : CVV Error
22 : CVV Error
34 : Card Tranzactie nepermisa Error
0 : Card has no 3DS
Status codes
- 15 : card need to be authorize
2) Authorize the 3D card
For authorize of 3D card, you will need to send a HTTP request via Form by POST method to the Bank authentication URL.
you have the Bank authentication URL from response previous action on customerAction -> url
- Params:
- paReq
- backUrl
- apiKey
Authorize 3D card
$authorize = new Authorize(); $authorize->apiKey = 'ApiKey_GENERATE-YOUR-KEY-FROM-MobilPay-AND-USE-IT-HEAR'; // Put Your key here $authorize->backUrl = 'THE-BACK-URL'; $authorize->paReq = "THE-UNIQUE-paReq-ID"; $authorize->bankUrl = "THE-BANK-URL"; $authorize->validateParam();
- Params:
The backUrl used by client's bank to return data to your site/app, The bank will returen a token called paRes
3) Verify authentication
To verify authentication you will need to send the request to verify-auth end point,
Action URL: /payment/card/verify-auth
Param type: JSON
- Params:
- authenticationToken: The unique authentication token, from start action
- ntpID: The transaction id from start action
- paRes: The paRes from client's bank
- Sample JSON:
{ "authenticationToken": "YOUR-UNIQUE-AUTHENTICATION-TOKEN-PER-REQUEST", "ntpID": "1234567", "formData": { "paRes": "THE-paRes-ID-WHAT-YOU-RECIVE-IT-FROM-THE-BANK" } }
- Params:
Example of verify-auth
$verifyAuth = new VerifyAuth(); $verifyAuth->apiKey = 'ApiKey_GENERATE-YOUR-KEY-FROM-MobilPay-AND-USE-IT-HEAR'; $verifyAuth->authenticationToken = 'YOUR-UNIQUE-AUTHENTICATION-TOKEN-PER-REQUEST'; $verifyAuth->ntpID = 'THE-UNIQUE-TRANSACTION-ID'; $verifyAuth->paRes = 'THE-paRes-ID-WHAT-YOU-RECIVE-IT-FROM-THE-BANK'; $verifyAuth->isLive = false; // FALSE for SANDBOX & TRUE for LIVE mode $jsonAuthParam = $verifyAuth->setVerifyAuth(); // To set parameters for /payment/card/verify-auth $paymentResult = $verifyAuth->sendRequestVerifyAuth($jsonAuthParam); // To send request to /payment/card/verify-auth
verify-auth action response
The response of verify-auth endpoint, will be a Json with following structure
{ "error": { "code": "00", "message": "Approved" }, "payment": { "amount": 20, "currency": "RON", "data": { "AuthCode": "A-UNIQUE-CODE", "BIN": "000000", "ISSUER": "Netopia GB", "ISSUER_COUNTRY": "COUNTRY-ID", "RRN": "A-UNIQUE-CODE" }, "ntpID": "1234567", "status": 3, "token": "A-UNIQUE-TOKEN" } }
Regarding the error code & the status you will be able to manage the messages & the actions on your Site / App after the success or failed payments in 3DS