This repository hosts the code required to generate the static website.
In order to add products to the homepage carousel you must make a few changes. Firstly, if you are changing the number of elements in the carousel then change the $n
sass variable (in the /assets/css/app/home-carousel.scss sass partial) to the number of products that the carousel contains. This will ensure that the 3d translations account for n
number of products.
Add your new image to the carousel in index.html
. Simply replace the image/add a new one to the figure element.
This is the figure element you will need to add to/amend.
<img class="lazyload" src=""
data-src="/assets/images/ultra-96-front-hd.png" id="1" data-url="/products/ultra96/" alt="Ultra96">
<img class="lazyload" src=""
data-src="/assets/images/sophon-edge-tpu-board.png" id="2" data-url="" alt="Sophon Edge">
<img class="lazyload" src=""
data-src="/assets/images/rock960_front-resized.png" id="3" data-url="/products/rock960/" alt="Rock960">
<img class="lazyload" src=""
data-src="/assets/images/hikey970-optimized.png" id="4" data-url="/products/hikey970/" alt="HiKey970">
Change the image src
, alt
, id
and data-url
to suit. The ID attribute is used by the carousels javascript to retreive the data-url
and alt
attributes. If there are 4 images in the carousel then the first the id's will be 1 - 4.