
Angular Examples

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular 8 Learning Exercises from O'Reilly book "Angular - Up & Running"

  • Project: Stock-market

    • Component stock-item demonstrates data binding
    • Component stock-item2 demonstrates a model
    • Component stock-item3 demonstrates ngClass directive
    • Component stock-item4 demonstrates ngStyle directive
    • Component stock-item5 demonstrates ngIf directive
    • Component stock-item6 demonstrates ngFor directive
    • Component stock-item7 demonstrates @Input and @Output
    • Component create-stock demonstrates template-driven forms using value and data binding
    • Component create-stock2 demonstrates template-driven forms using ngModel directive
    • Component create-stock3 demonstrates template-driven forms complete example
    • Component create-stock4 demonstrates template-driven formgroup example
    • Component stock-item8 demonstrates reactive-forms using form controls
    • Component stock-item9 demonstrates reactive-forms using form group
    • Component stock-item10 demonstrates reactive-forms using form builder
    • Component stock-item11 demonstrates reactive-forms using validation
    • Component stock-item12 demonstrates reactive-forms copying data from component to UI
    • Component stock-item13 demonstrates reactive-forms with form arrays
  • Project: Stock-market2

    • Components stock-item and stock-list demonstrates services and observables
    • Service Stock-Service2 demonstrates HttpClient
    • Service AuthService helps demonstrate HttpClient interceptor concept
  • Start the Ng server ng serve and access it via http://localhost:4200

  • Start the Stock API server following the instructions:

    • cd server
    • npm i - installs all the dependencies for the Node.js server
    • node index.js - starts the server on port 3000

Angular CLI Reference

  • ng serve to start the server
  • ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json to start server with proxy configs for CORS
  • ng new <project> create new project
  • ng generate component <dir/name> create new component
  • ng g class <dir/name> create new model class
  • ng g service <dir/name> create new service.