Conway's Game of Life

This is an implementation of Conway's Game of Life using Next.js.

Running the app

It's available online if you want to run it without installing!

If you want to run it locally however, you can generate a production build by having Node.js installed in your machine and following the steps below on terminal:

npm i
npm run build
npm start


  • Build a web version of Conway's Game of Life that:
    • Has a UI that allows turning squares on and off;
    • Allows step-by-step navigation (advance both single and multiple steps); and
    • Allows playing Life forever given the provided state
  • Simulate an API service that provides the game's back end.

Tech stack

The challenge's only requirements with regards to technology are that it is a web-based game and that it simulates an API connection. Therefore, the tech stack was chosen as follows:

  • TypeScript, to ensure faster development of communications between the API and front end;
  • Next.js for quick project scaffolding and built-in API and server-side rendering;
  • TailwindCSS for quick visual prototyping