
A swift package for adding support for the Citrix X1 mouse to iOS applications.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Language: Swift 5 License: MIT


X1Kit is a Swift framework that allows applications to make direct use of the Citrix X1 mouse.


The X1 provides a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol to report position and buttn states, it is capable of operating as a standard BLE mouse or additionally a mode which allows iOS applications to directly access the mouse without any operating system support, this library allows applications to take advantage of this feature.


  • A Citrix X1 mouse, the mouse should be paired with iOS.


Import X1Kit at the top of the Swift file.

import X1Kit

To use CoreBluetooth you will need to add the following keys (with a value explaining the use of bluetooth) to your application Info.plist, failure to add the appropriate key will result in your application crashing.

iOS 13 or later:


iOS 12 or earlier:


The application should instantiate an instance of the X1Mouse class and set the objects delegate to an object that implements the X1KitMouseDelegate protocol.

let theMouse = X1Mouse()

theMouse.delegate = self

The following protocol is defined by X1Kit and should be implemented.

protocol X1KitMouseDelegate: class {
    func connectedStateDidChange(identifier: UUID, isConnected: Bool)
    func mouseDidMove(identifier: UUID, deltaX: Int16, deltaY: Int16)
    func mouseDown(identifier: UUID, button: X1MouseButton)
    func mouseUp(identifier: UUID, button: X1MouseButton)
    func wheelDidScroll(identifier: UUID, deltaZ: Int8)


This project is open source and is released under the MIT License

Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.