This repository contains examples of different programming challenges.
####Berlin Clock See for more details. The implementation is and the tests are on Only a few tests of those specified on the website have been implemented.
####String Calculator The details to implement the kata has been taken from The implementation is fjab.stringcalculator.StringCalculator and the tests are on fjab.stringcalculator.StringCalculatorTest.
####Optimal Change See for more details.
The solution has been implemented using 3 different algorithms: greedy iterative, greedy recursive and dynamic programming. The interface fjab.optimalchange.OptimalChange has been defined and each of the solutions has been implemented by extending said interface. To ensure that the order in which the coins are given is not dependent upon the implementation used to solve the problem, the specification of the method OptimalChange.optimalChangeFor states that the coins must be returned sorted desc by denomination.
The 3 implementations are: fjab.optimalchange.DPImpl, fjab.optimalchange.GreedyIterativeImpl and fjab.optimalchange.GreedyRecursiveImpl. And the corresponding tests: fjab.optimalchange.DPImplTest, fjab.optimalchange.GreedyIterativeImplTest and fjab.optimalchange.GreedyRecursiveImplTest.