
Password strength directive for angular

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Password strength checker wrapped in an angular directive Based on:


See app/index.html in the respository. [Live example] [live-example] [live-example]: http://subarroca.github.io/ng-password-strength/


  1. Bower should add ng-password-strength.min.js to you main file (index.html)

you can download this by:

In your web page:

<script src="ng-password-strength/dist/scripts/ng-password-strength.js"></script>
<script src="lodash/lodash.js"></script>
  1. Bower should add ng-password-strength to your main file (index.html). Some of them are not automatically added so you'd better check them.
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/lodash/lodash.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/ng-password-strength/dist/ng-password-strength.js"></script>
  1. Set ng-password-strength as a dependency in your module
var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ['ngPasswordStrength'])
  1. Add ng-password-strength directive to the wanted element, example:
<div ng-password-strength="pass"> .... </div>
  • Accepted addtional params:

    • strength: value returned [0-100]

    • css-mode: 'foundation' or 'bootstrap'. Sets inner-class, inner-class-prefix, outter-class-prefix. No need to set one by one

    • inner-class: inner bar class (i.e. 'progress-bar')

    • inner-class-prefix: inner bar class prefix (i.e. 'progress-bar-' => 'progress-bar-success')

    • outter-class-prefix: root element class prefix (i.e. 'progress-bar-' => 'progress-bar-success')

    • calculation-mode: 'formula' (default) or 'entropy'. Formula is explained below

    • goal: only used in entropy mode. Fixes the amount to reach. Default: 96


Values limited to [0-100]

  • Pros:

    • Number of Characters + n*4
    • Uppercase Letters (if any uppercase) + (len-n)*2
    • Lowercase Letters (if any lowercase) + (len-n)*2
    • Numbers (if any letter) + n*4
    • Symbols + n*6
    • Middle Numbers or Symbols + n*2
    • Requirements + n*2
  • Cons:

    • Letters Only - n
    • Numbers Only - n
    • Repeat Characters (Case Insensitive) - (n/len) *10
    • Consecutive Uppercase Letters - n*2
    • Consecutive Lowercase Letters - n*2
    • Consecutive Numbers - n*2
    • Sequential Letters (3+) - n*3
    • Sequential Numbers (3+) - n*3
    • Sequential Symbols (3+) - n*3


Create tests



  • formula calculation moved to factory
  • added entropy calculation in a new factory
  • template moved to detached html


  • added dependency: lodash
  • removed dependencies: bootstrap, ng-lodash
  • added classes for further customization
  • added modes for faster customization: [foundation, bootstrap]


  • added dependency: ng-lodash
  • removed dependencies: underscore.string
  • changed compass to node-sass


  • lodash update


  • strength value feedback


  • change underscore to lodash


  • formula-based value calculations