Unreal Marketplace Build Machines

To goal of this repository is to provide extendable github workflow for common requirements of Unreal Engine plugins.

Compile Plugin


Runs the ue4 package CLI command against the repository using the official Linux Docker image provided by Epic Games (unreal-engine:dev-slim).


You will need a GitHub user with READ access to ghcr.io/epicgames.

The compile step has required 2 secrets: DOCKER_TOKEN and DOCKER_USERNAME.

Those can be provided as arguments via:

    uses:  outoftheboxplugins/BuildMachines/.github/workflows/compile-plugin.yml@master
      DOCKER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_TOKEN }}

or defined at repository / organisation level and passed via:

    uses:  outoftheboxplugins/BuildMachines/.github/workflows/compile-plugin.yml@master
    secrets: inherit

Optionally you can pass in a specific UE version via the ue_version input parameter.

    uses:  outoftheboxplugins/BuildMachines/.github/workflows/compile-plugin.yml@master
        ue_version: "5.2"
    secrets: inherit

Release Plugin


Sets the VersionName of the uplugin file to match the tag and creates a GitHub release.


No required inputs, this can be added to your workflow via:

    uses:  outoftheboxplugins/BuildMachines/.github/workflows/release-plugin.yml@master

By default the step uses the repository name to find the .uplugin file. If they are different, you can supply the name of the plugin via the plugin_name input parameter.

    uses:  outoftheboxplugins/BuildMachines/.github/workflows/release-plugin.yml@master
      plugin_name: Aptabase

Package Plugin

  • currently used by myself to upload plugins to Google Drive so I can submit them to the UE marketplace. Docs to be done soon.