
Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

These instructions are how to compile and run this MaNGOS fork on Linux, specifically Ubuntu 18.04 Server distro. It was the least resistant distro in terms of compilation.


  1. Install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server.

  2. Install updates, dependencies, and give it a good ole reboot after: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt install build-essential cmake libace-dev libtbb-dev mariadb-server mariadb-client libmysqlclient-dev libssl1.0-dev unrar p7zip-full && sudo reboot

  3. Although we will use the source from this repo we need the game files for the server so need to download/transfer the latest Lights Hope repack on the server. Currently https://www.mediafire.com/file/is1uobq3fjcza1h/Lights+Hope+bropack+v11.rar

-- COMPILE: 4) Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/fjaros/core

  1. cd theconstruct

  2. cmake . && make This will take about half an hour to compile And will produce two key binaries: src/realmd/realmd and src/mangosd/mangosd

  3. Move these files to the directory where you want to run your server

  4. Go back and unrar Lights Hope bropack (the full download from earlier) - we will only use the data and config files from here. Move files MaNGOS/realmd.conf and MaNGOS/mangosd.conf to the same folder as above Move directories MaNGOS/data and MaNGOS/logs to the same folder as above

-- SETUP DATABASE: (secure/setup your mariadb/mysql however you like first) 9) sudo mysql If you do not care to setup your mysql securely, you can just run: grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'root';


  1. create database characters; create database mangos; create database logs; create database realmd; \q

  2. cd MaNGOS/sql

  3. 7z x FULL_WORLD_DB_19_06_2018.7z - (or whatever the name may be)

  4. sudo mysql -uroot mangos < FULL_WORLD_DB_19_06_2018.sql (or whatever you set the mysql user as)

  5. cd Base

  6. sudo mysql -uroot characters < characters.sql && sudo mysql -uroot realmd < logon.sql && sudo mysql -uroot logs < logs.sql

  7. sudo mysql

INSERT INTO realmd.realmlist (id, name, address, port, icon, realmflags, timezone, allowedSecurityLevel) VALUES (
	1, 'your_server_name', 'your_external_ip', 8085, 1, 0, -9, 1

IMPORTANT: the address 'your_external_ip' is the IP users will use to connect to the server. it is the EXTERNAL IP of your server.

-- SETUP SERVER: 16) Go to the folder where you moved the compiled files 17) Open realmd.conf, you will see line LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd" Change the root;root to be your mysql username and password . if you did not secure your mysql you can keep it as is. Change line LogsDir = "logs\" to LogsDir = "logs/" Everything else can be kept the same here

  1. Open mangosd.conf Again scroll down and look at the mysql connection strings. Make sure the user/password is correct.

Change LogsDir = "logs\" to LogsDir = "logs/" Change DataDir = "data\" to DataDir = "data/"

Everything else can be kept the same, but you can modify any server-specific settings in this file. For example rate of XP gain, or how much money each character starts with.

-- RUN SERVER: 20) Finally we need to run everything! First make sure both components work. First we'll run the login server:

Run: ./realmd -c realmd.conf If it starts successfully you should see this output:

mangos@wow:~/build$ ./realmd -c realmd.conf
Core revision: unknown / 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 / Linux_x64 (little-endian) [realm-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file realmd.conf.
Max allowed open files is 1024
Added realm "your_server_name"

Now you can CTRL+C out of it and run it in the background. For instance via: nohup ./realmd -c realmd.conf &

Now we'll run the game server: ./mangosd -c mangosd.conf If it starts successfully you should see this output or similar:

Current content is set to Patch 1.12: Drums of War.

World initialized.
SERVER STARTUP TIME: 0 minutes 3 seconds
Max allowed socket connections 1024

>> Only expired mails (need to be return or delete) or DB table `mail` is empty.

Now you can create your account! Type: account create (replacing and with your login information)

And you can set this account to be highest admin via: account set gmlevel 6

CLIENT: In the WoW 1.12 client you downloaded should be a file called realmlist.wtf. Open this file in a text editor and delete everything. Then input set realmlist <external_ip> where <external_ip> is the IP of your server and MUST be the same as the one you input to the SQL command in step 16.

And that's all! Have fun!