
Small Unix SOCKS Proxy Server

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

tinysocks is a small, single-threaded tcp (so far only SOCKS 4)proxy server to run on low budget 
vps with little resources. I wrote it because many of the "big" proxy servers are either 
multi-threaded, forked, or use too many resources.

To compile/run:

You will need gcc tools. On Red-Hat based distros (Fedora/CentOS) this is accomplished by:

     yum -y groupinstall "development tools" "development libraries"

then use make in the respective directory to build the binary.

tinysocks accepts the following switches:
-d -> debug
-r -> first 3 bytes of ip range, ex: 10.11.12
-b -> beginning of the last byte in ip range
-e -> ending of the last byte in ip range
-p -> port to listen on
-a -> ports which you validate to accept connections on

./ts -r 10.11.12 -b 20 -e 40 -p 3000 -a 21,80,443 &

this will make the server listen on through on port 3000.
it will only accept connections that request the server to connect to ports 21, 80, and 443.

./ts -d -r 10.11.12 -b 20 -e 20 -p 3000

this will make the server listen on on port 3000.
no -a parameter is given. it will accept connections that request the server to connect to all ports.
also no & at the end, so the server will block the stdin until you ctrl+c quit it
-d is given so it will print any debug messages


v0.2 - first public release