
Basic steps for setting up and writing UI tests for an iOS app using Swift:

Create a new UI test target in your Xcode project: In Xcode, go to File > New > Target, choose "iOS UI Testing Bundle", and give it a name.

Add the necessary dependencies: You will need to import XCTest, which is Apple's built-in testing framework, and your app's target.

Write a test method: In your UI test class, create a test method that launches the app and interacts with the UI to simulate a user action. For example, you might tap a button, enter some text, or swipe on a table view.

Assert the expected outcome: After simulating the user action, use XCTest's assertion methods to check that the app behaves as expected. For example, you might check that a label's text changes, that a new view appears, or that a certain element becomes visible.

Here is a sample code for a simple UI test that taps a button and checks that a label's text changes:

import XCTest

class MyUITests: XCTestCase {
  var app: XCUIApplication!

  override func setUp() {
    continueAfterFailure = false
    app = XCUIApplication()

  func testButtonTapChangesLabelText() {
    let button = app.buttons["myButton"]
    let label = app.staticTexts["myLabel"]
    XCTAssertEqual(label.label, "Button tapped!")

  override func tearDown() {
    app = nil

In this example, we first set up the test by launching the app. Then, we find the button and label elements using their accessibility identifiers (which should be set up in your app's code). We simulate a tap on the button and use XCTAssertEqual to check that the label's text is updated to "Button tapped!". Finally, we clean up by setting the app instance to nil.

Note that this is just a simple example, and there are many more things you can do with UI testing in Swift. For example, you can use XCUIScreenshots to take screenshots of your app during testing, or you can use XCUITest's built-in recording functionality to record and play back UI interactions.