n-k Operational Security Problem

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The $N-k$ problem is a Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Program (MINLP), usually intractable, since the combinatorial combinations of binary variables representing component fails (even for small values of $k$) in addition to the non-linear modeling of power flow physics, make this problem a non convex one.

Although in many cases the use of linear approximations in power systems is sufficient, when trying to model possible cascading effects such models are not appropriate.

In this repository we explore several formulations to solve the problem.

Solutions for 14 Bus System

Big M Sol Gap time (ms) N sols
0.95 2 0 35 3
0.9 3 0 39.7 2
0.85 4 0 59.6 3
0.8 4 0 66.9 3
0.75 5 0 79.3 4
0.7 6 0 80.5 3
lambda_i Sol Gap time (ms) N sols
0.95 2 0 88.2 3
0.9 3 0 70.9 3
0.85 4 0 121 4
0.8 4 0 92.5 4
0.75 5 0 105 5
0.7 6 0 160 3
NL Sol round Term Code time (ms)
0.95 2.96 3 optimal 55.2
0.9 4.82 5 optimal 62.1
0.85 4.86 5 optimal 83.2
0.8 4.91 5 optimal 102
0.75 8.93 9 optimal 360
0.7 9.93 10 optimal 98.0

Solutions for 118 Bus System

Big M Sol Gap time (s) N sols
0.95 2 0 7.2 2
0.9 4 0 251 5
0.85 5 40% 3600 4
0.8 7 57.14% 3600 5
0.75 9 66.67% 3600 5
0.7 11 72.72% 3600 4
lambda_i Sol Gap time (s) N sols
0.95 2 0 20.2 3
0.9 4 0 209 3
0.85 5 40 % 3600 8
0.8 7 57.14% 3600 8
0.75 9 66.67% 3600 8
0.7 12 66.67% 3600 7
NL Sol round Term Code time (s)
0.95 3.77 4 optimal 1.04
0.9 3.97 4 optimal 1.13
0.85 6.91 7 optimal 1.21
0.8 11.3 11 optimal 1.16
0.75 14.9 15 optimal 1.2
0.7 16.23 16 acceptable 10.6